1. Why 'Space Madness' Fears Haunted NASA's Past
18 apr 2012 · When astronauts first began flying in space, NASA worried about "space madness," a mental malady they thought might arise from humans ...
NASA's early fears of astronauts suffering from space madness have proven unfounded, but humans still like to believe that spaceflight can transform the human mind for better or for worse.

2. Space Madness - TV Tropes
... SpaceMadness. Following. Space Madness. Go To. Edit Page · Related · History · Discussion; To Do; Page Source · Main · Laconic · Quotes · PlayingWith; Create ...
Something about the deep recesses of outer space seems to inspire insanity in a lot of fictional characters. Maybe it's the loneliness (what with them being cut-off from the rest of their kind), the feeling of insignificance it inspires, or more …

3. Space madness - Memory Alpha - Fandom
Space madness was a term for space-related insanity. There was more than one type. It was sometimes caused by contamination or exposure to various elements.
Space madness was a term for space-related insanity. There was more than one type. It was sometimes caused by contamination or exposure to various elements. In 2266, Spock posited that the insanity that had apparently led to the deaths of the Psi 2000 personnel could be a type of space madness heretofore unknown to them. (TOS: "The Naked Time") The crews of the USS Defiant and later the USS Enterprise experienced a type of space madness after their exposure to the spatial interphase in 2269. Doc
4. Can We Get Space Madness? - Universe Today
25 okt 2016 · According to movies and television, if you've got space madness, you and your crewmates are in for a rough ride. If you're lucky, you merely ...
If science fiction has taught us anything, it’s that nothing makes a person go crazier than the harsh isolation of deep space. Will we all go crazy out there, among the stars?

5. Is space madness a real concern or just fiction like Firefly's Reavers?
30 sep 2020 · Space Madness is a staple of genre fiction. The notion that humans might lose themselves in the vastness of the endless abyss, untethered from their home ...
Can venturing deep into space cause madness? It's something that real-life space explorers are certainly taking precautions against...

6. Space Madness: The Psychosis That Never Happened - Mental Floss
28 sep 2012 · The phenomenon is colloquially known as Space Madness—and while we laugh it off as a TV trope today, in the late 50s, when manned space travel ...
From Star Trek to Ren and Stimpy to Van Der Graaf Generator’s “Pioneers Over C,” pop culture and fiction are filled with men, women, and animals who have gone excitedly beyond the bounds of the Earth ... only to lose their grips on reality and mentally break from the stress of space travel. The phenomenon is colloquially known as Space Madness—and while we laugh it off as a TV trope today, in the late 50s, when manned space travel was just a few years away, the disorder was a valid

7. space madness - Urban Dictionary
space madness. noun: severe coricidin addiction steming from the feeling of ... © 1999-2024 Urban Dictionary ®. ads · help · privacy · terms of service · dmca ...
noun: severe coricidin addiction steming from the feeling of "being in space" that high doses of DXM in the form of coricidin cough and cold will give you specificly refering the the attendant insanity that comes with a coricidin addiction also coming from an episode of ren and stimpy.
8. Space Madness: A Primer - Blood Knife
16 apr 2021 · Space Madness: A Primer. The psychological terror and incomprehensibility of outer space has produced decades of iconic sci-fi horror. by ...
From Alien and Solaris to Event Horizon, sci-fi horror has found dark meaning and grim portents in the psychological terror of space travel.

9. Space Madness, Real and Imagined | On the Media - WNYC Studios
... space madness'. Initially the supposition in pop-culture was that only the truly crazy would volunteer to be blasted into space. And for over 50 years ...
Since human space flight has been conceivable there’s been an accompanying media and pop-culture myth – ‘space madness’. Initially the supposition in pop-culture was that only the tr...